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Sept 15 - 16, 2017

About Affect

Affect’s mission is to educate and inspire at the intersection of social change and systemic design. We strive to bring socially conscious people together and provide underrepresented voices a platform for their stories and experiences, with a focus on event accessibility.

Team Affect

  • Elea Chang, Founder & organizer

    Elea is a user experience designer turned community organizer who’s been volunteering with nonprofits for over 18 years. In 2013, she moved from the San Francisco Bay Area to Portland to pursue a full career in social impact. Elea previously worked for Upworthy and and is currently board president for tech diversity nonprofit Stumptown Syndicate.

  • Alfie Padilla, Content Committee

    Alfie is transitioning from 4 years of social activist work into game development. They work with Pixel Arts to teach children about coding and designing games, particularly in underserved areas. Alfie is a proud person of color, actor, and stage performer.

  • Nadia Gathers, Content Committee

    Nadia is the Internal Communications Manager at Github and an intersectional design thinking facilitator hailing from the In their spare time, they are a mental health advocate, occasional stage-talker, and aspiring novelist. Nadia helps people talk to each other.

  • Gabriela Rodriguez Beron, Code of Conduct Lead

    Gaba grew up in Uruguay before moving to the US and founded DATA, an open data non-profit in South America. She has been heavily involved at Coral Project, building tools and guides to improve community spaces around journalism online. Currently, Gaba facilitates the Internet Freedom Festival in Valencia, Spain, and consults as a software engineer for social impact organizations. She is a feminist, activist, and mom to two kids.

  • Advisory Council